Article I: Name

This organization shall be known as the Somerville Democratic City Committee (“The City Committee” or “SDCC") or the Somerville Democratic Party (“The City Party”) The City Committee is composed of the Somerville Democratic Ward Committees, and is authorized to do business under such other names as the Chair, with the consent of the Executive Committee and notice to the City Committee, may designate.

Article II: Object

This committee is organized and constituted under authority of and in accordance with the provisions of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts [MGL Chapter 52: Political Committees], and shall foster and advance the ideals and aims of the Massachusetts Democratic Party; to aid in carrying out the planks of the platform of the State and National Committees of the Party, to work and organize for the success of the Democratic candidates in the City of Somerville, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, and across the nation; to do all things necessary and in furtherance to the building and strengthening of the Somerville Democratic Party in Massachusetts and to work to foster, engage, and encourage the broader community’s participation in civic life.

Article III: Members

Section 1: Composition. The City Committee shall be composed of the members of each of the ward committees [MGL Chapter 52 Section 3].

Section 2: Composition of Ward Committees:

a. Ballot-elected members: 35 members shall be elected by the voters of each ward at the presidential primary ballot every 4 years.

b. Added-on members: A vacancy of one of the 35 seats of any ward shall be filled by vote of the remaining members of the ward committee, who may elect any registered Democrat who resides in said ward to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term [MGL Chapter 52 Section 6].

c. 20-year members: Any person who shall have served for an aggregate of 20 years as a member of the city committee, shall become a voting member of the ward committee in which they reside and of the city committee by virtue of this section, their elected seat shall be declared vacant upon organization of the committee, and such members shall not count against the maximum 35 seats of each ward [Massachusetts Democratic Party Charter (MDP Charter) Article II Section II].

d. Ex-officio members: Any member of the Democratic State Committee who shall reside within the city shall be an ex-officio member of the ward committee in which they reside and of the city committee, and shall not count towards the 35 member maximum [MDP Charter Article II Section II]. A member of a ward committee who becomes a member of the state committee may thereafter resign their ballot-elected ward seat and remain a member of the ward and city committee as an ex-officio member.

e. Associate members: Each ward may elect associate members from among the enrolled Democrats residing within the said ward and have attended at least one prior meeting of the ward committee. Associate members shall have no vote nor be counted for the purpose of a quorum.

Section 3: Qualifications. All members must be enrolled Democrats. Any member who cancels or changes their party enrollment shall cease to be members of the committee immediately. Members must be residents of their ward to hold office. Members who change their residence from the ward in which they were elected shall cease to be a member of their respective ward committee at the end of the calendar year [MGL Chapter 52 Section 2].

Notwithstanding that ward lines in the city have been redistricted subsequent to a presidential primary, members of ward committees elected from wards in existence at the time of a presidential primary shall continue to represent said wards until their successors shall have been elected and organized under the redistricted ward lines at the presidential primary next following said redistricting [MGL Chapter 52 Section 2].

Section 4: Obligations. Members are expected to attend meetings of their respective ward committee. The payment of dues shall never be required of members to retain their seat or vote. Members shall not support, by endorsement, financial contribution, or any other form of public support, any person whose announced intention is to oppose the nominee of the Democratic Party.

Section 5: Resignation. Any member may terminate their membership, with either immediate effect, on a date certain, or upon the election of their successor, by submitting a written resignation to their ward chair and secretary. The ward chair shall forthwith submit a copy to the city chair and secretary.

Section 6: Removal. Members may be removed in conformity with Article II Section V of the Charter of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A member may only be removed for:

a. Failure to attend at least half of the regularly scheduled ward committee meetings, without excuse, during any full calendar year during their tenure, members holding public office shall not be removed under this section.

b. Public endorsement or support of any candidate whose announced intention is to oppose the nominee of the Democratic Party, or potential nominees, who publicly support(s) the majority of the platform of the Democratic Party as adopted at the most recent state and national Democratic conventions, inclusive of the period prior to a Democratic primary when announced Democratic candidate or candidates supports the majority of the platform of the Democratic Party.

c. Unauthorized use of the Party name or resources.

d. Endorsement or support of any party other than the Democratic Party.

e. Conviction after appeals are exhausted of a criminal offense other than a misdemeanor.

Before any vote is held on removal, a member shall be given at least 30 days written notice via mail or email of the particular violation of which they are accused and the date of the ward committee meeting at which a removal vote will be taken. A member must be given an opportunity to resign before notice of the hearing on the question of removal is given to the membership of the committee. A 2/3rds vote shall be required to remove a member, a majority quorum being present at a meeting or participating in an electronic ballot. Associate members may be removed by majority vote with the aforesaid notice requirements.

Section 7: Vacancies. Each ward committee shall exercise the power to fill mid-term vacancies under MGL Chapter 52 Section 6 pursuant to these provisions:

a. The Chair and/or Secretary of each ward shall notify the City Committee Chair and Secretary of any vacancy within 10 business days. The Chair of the City Committee shall forthwith post notice of any vacancy, to include at least publication on the city party website, and notice to the members and associate members via email or phone. No vacancy shall be filled by any ward committee for which notice has not been published on the website at least 10 business days in advance. x

b. Any member of a ward committee, who shall change their residence from one ward of the city of Somerville to another, shall automatically become an associate member of said ward, upon written request, via mail or email, to the chair of their new ward committee of residence.

c. The first ballot of any vote to fill any vacancy shall include only associate members and “none of the above” unless said ward has no associate members. Any associate who receives a majority of the members present and voting shall be elected. If a vacancy remains after a first ballot, subsequent ballots may include the name of any registered Democrat residing within the ward and “none of the above”. No person shall be elected to fill a vacancy who does not receive a majority of the votes of members of the said ward present and voting. The exhaustive ballot method shall be used in the event that no candidate nor none of the above receive a majority. The election of members shall have precedence in the order of business over the election of new associate members at a meeting of a ward committee.

d. The chair and secretary of any ward, and the Chair and Secretary of the City Committee, shall file with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF) any amendments to the membership or associate membership of the ward and city committees within 30 days of any change.

Section 8: Dues. The Executive Committee shall propose a dues rate. The City Committee shall, at the first meeting thereafter, vote on the adoption of the proposed rate. The dues rate established shall remain in effect until amended or repealed. After adoption of a dues rate, the Treasurer shall be authorized to solicit contribution from members. No member shall be penalized for the non-payment of dues.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1: Officers and Duties. The officers of the city committee shall be a Chair, a First Vice Chair, a Second Vice Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Diversity Officer. Notwithstanding a treasurer, each ward shall have the same officers as the city committee, except that a ward may decide to elect only a single vice chair at its organization. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, by the parliamentary authority, and by the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

a. Chair: The Chair of each ward and the city committee shall, in addition to the duties required by law and under the Charter of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, preside at all meetings of the committee and shall have general charge and supervision of all committee activities. They shall have the power to call standing and special meetings of the committee, appoint the chairs and members of committees, and serve as the primary point of contact and representative of the committee. The Chairs shall ensure all meetings are accessible to members and shall provide reasonable accommodation in order to ensure their ability to participate. Chairs shall appoint designees to all meetings which they cannot attend.

The City Committee Chair shall act as the chief executive officer of the city party; they shall propose to the City Executive Committee an annual budget of expected allocations for expenditures from the general fund. The chair shall have sole authority to expend funds and incur liabilities binding against the committee. The approval of the Executive Committee being required to authorize all transfers between the SDCC and any other committee, general fund expenditures above $200, and all reimbursements.

In the fall preceding a presidential election year, each ward chair shall obtain and submit completed nomination papers bearing the names and signatures of up to 35 eligible persons, for ballot election, to the Somerville Elections Division, subsequent to certification said nomination papers must be submitted to the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Office. Ward Committee Chairs shall call and hold an annual caucus of Democrats in their respective wards in order to elect delegates to the state convention in keeping with the call to convention and state party charter.

b. Vice Chairs: Vice Chairs shall assist the Chair in the objectives and tasks of the committee. In the absence of the Chair and an appointment of a chair pro-tempore, they shall preside over meetings of the committee or of a caucus. The Vice Chairs shall perform such duties and exercise such power as may be delegated by the Chair.

c. Secretary: The Secretary shall record the attendance and minutes of each meeting. They shall report the same as well as notices of meetings and events to the membership in periodic communications. They shall file the statement of organization and any amendments thereto with the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF). The Secretary shall maintain the roll of eligible members of the committee, receive all advance ballots, and administer roll call votes in conjunction with the chair.

d. Treasurer: The City Committee Treasurer shall be authorized to open and maintain a bank account in the name of the committee. They shall complete OCPF training as required. They shall prepare and issue all campaign finance reports as required by OCPF. With authorization from the Chair, the Treasurer may execute expenditures. The Treasurer shall issue a written report at least 1 day in advance of a standing quarterly meeting that succeeds an OCPF filing deadline to the city committee membership.

The Secretary of each ward shall act as treasurer for the purposes of OCPF organization, or in the absence of an eligible secretary, the Chair or their designee shall serve as Treasurer for said purpose. No ward shall open a depositary account without the approval of the city Executive Committee.

e. Diversity Officer: The Diversity Officer shall work to ensure the accessibility, connection, and representation of underrepresented groups on the committee. The Diversity Officer shall involve all of the other officers of the committee in conducting outreach to the broader community, especially to underrepresented groups on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, ancestry, religious creed, gender, sexual orientation, familial status, disability, or any other protected class status. They shall also conduct outreach in advance of caucuses to expand participation by underrepresented groups.

Section 2: Nomination and Election. The officers shall be elected upon the organization or reorganization of the city or ward committees. No person other than a voting member of a Ward Committee shall hold office in a Ward Committee or in the City Committee. All officers shall be elected by a majority of the members voting. An exhaustive ballot shall be used, wherein after each round of voting in which a candidate is not elected, the candidate with the fewest number of votes is removed from the ballot. No more than one person of the same self-identified gender shall be elected to each Vice Chair position. The election shall be by signed ballot, and no secret ballot shall be permitted. Where only one candidate stands for an office, the election may be by voice vote, and no ballot shall be required.

Section 3: Term of Office. The officers elected shall commence their terms upon the adjournment of the organization meeting. The Chair, Secretary, the Treasurer of the several wards and city committee shall file a written acceptance within 10 days with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance. Officers shall serve a term of two years and until their successors are elected; a ward may also provide for a 4 year term for its officers. No person other than a voting member of a ward committee shall hold office in a ward committee or in the City Committee, and any officer's term shall end upon the end of their term as a member.

Section 4. Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy of any officer, the Chair of the respective committee shall call a special meeting for the purposes of filling the vacancy no less than seven (7) days and no more than thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs. The vacancy shall be filled by the members of the respective committee in the same manner as at the organization meeting. At their discretion, the chair of the respective committee shall have the power to appoint a voting member as an acting officer in the case of a vacancy or when necessary to ensure the continuation of essential duties; acting officers shall have all of the powers and duties of the officer they replace and shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair.

Section 5. Other Leadership Positions. In addition to the elected officers, the Chair may appoint such others as they may deem necessary to perform duties not prescribed to the other officers, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair. All persons assigned leadership roles by the Chair shall be members except where the Executive Committee shall suspend this requirement by a majority vote.

Article V: Meetings

Section 1: Standing Meetings. The city and ward Committees shall hold a standing meeting no less than 4 times per year, approximately once per quarter. The Chair of the respective committee shall set the time, place, and manner of committee meetings. The respective Chair shall provide no less than 14 days notice of a standing meeting date, and shall both notify the members by email and post notice of such meeting to the city and state party webpages. All standing meetings must allow for remote participation.

Section 2: Special Meetings. From time to time special meetings of the city and ward committees may be called with not less than 5 business days’ notice. A chair of a ward or the city committee may call a special meeting; a meeting of a ward committee shall be called on a specific day by its chair upon the written request of 10 voting members. In the event that the chair fails to call a meeting within 5 business days of receipt of the petition, the members of the respective ward committee may give notice by mail to all members of such committee, stating the date, time, place, and agenda of said meeting. The Chair shall set an agenda for a special meeting they call; no business may be conducted at a special meeting, except that specified by in the call of such meeting, which may be modified no less than 3 business days before the meeting. All special meetings must allow for remote participation.

Section 3: Organizational Meetings. The city and ward committees shall meet every two years for the purposes of organizing by the election of its officers, unless a ward committee shall prescribe a 4 year term for its officers by adoption of such an order. In presidential years, the ward committees shall meet between the 31st and 34th day succeeding the presidential primary, the city committee shall meet between the 35th and 40th day succeeding the primary. In even-numbered non-presidential years, the Executive Committee shall, no later than March 1st of that year, establish a timeframe for the ward committees and city committee to meet to reorganize. All organization meetings must allow for remote participation.

Section 4: Quorum. No vote on any item shall be conducted without the required quorum, except to recess or adjourn. No quorum shall be necessary for events other than formal meetings. There shall be two types of quorums:

In general, for the purposes of conducting a business meeting or voting upon any special order, a working quorum shall be necessary. A working quorum of the City Committee shall consist of at least 30 members representing at least 4 wards; a working quorum of a ward committee shall consist of at least 1/3rd of the members of said committee.

For the purposes of voting on an endorsement, removal of a member, any resolution, or amendment to these bylaws, a majority quorum of more than half of the whole number of voting members of the respective committee shall be required. Notwithstanding any other quorum provision, no more than 18 members shall ever be required to constitute a quorum for any ward committee.

Section 5: Order of Business. The order of business at standing meetings shall be as follows:

Sign in of officers and members

Adoption of agenda, if none previous adopted by Executive Committee

Approval or amendment of minutes of the previous meeting

Reports of officers and committees

Special Orders

Unfinished business

New business


Section 6: Presiding Officer. The chair of the city or a ward committee shall preside at all meetings of the committee and caucuses which the chair has properly called. The Chair may also designate a voting member of the committee to preside as Chair Pro Tempore. In the absence of the Chair, and an appointment of a person to act thereof, the officers shall preside in descending order as listed in Article IV Section I. The presiding officer shall be empowered to refer any pending item, except a special order, to a standing or special committee, or to the executive committee. When an item is pending before the committee, the Chair may place the committee in recess subject to the call of the Chair. The Chair may suspend the business of the committee when notified of an imminent threat of safety or when the maintenance of order is impossible.

Section 7. Electronic Voting. The Chair may order that a vote on any item be taken by electronic ballot of members. Any item sent to an electronic ballot shall be open for at least 7 days. The same quorum rules for an in-person meeting apply to electronic votes. A vote may be started at an in-person meeting, and continued online as a hybrid vote pursuant to this section, at any stage of the proceedings.

Section 8. Advance Voting. With respect to any election of ward or city officers, any member who is unable to attend may, in writing to the Chair and Secretary, submit a ballot with their choice for officer in any contest, and such ballot shall be counted in any runoff for the same candidate in said contest, unless an alternative preference is otherwise specifically provided.

Section 9. Floor Privileges. All party events and meetings shall be open to all enrolled Democrats and members of the press to observe. No person shall be admitted to the floor except: members of the committee, Democratic State Committee members, and guests of the chair.

Article VI: City Executive Committee

Section 1. Composition. The officers of the City Committee and the Chair of each Ward Committee, or their designee, shall constitute the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Powers and Authority. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Committee between its business meetings, make recommendations to the City Committee, amend and approve an annual general fund budget, and shall have full power and authority to act on behalf of the party between the meetings of the city committee. The Executive Committee shall have the power to enforce these bylaws by appropriate action, and may quash any action taken in violation of them by majority vote, a quorum being present. The Executive Committee may, by majority vote, adopt an agenda on behalf of the city committee for a standing meeting, make an item before the City Committee as a special order, and refer items to any Ward Committee, the City Committee, or State Committee.

Section 3. Executive Committee Meetings. Unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee, regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held on the second Monday of each month. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chair and shall be called by the Chair upon the written request of 6 members of the Executive Committee. A quorum for transacting business shall always be a majority of the members.

Section 4. Annual Budget and Expenditures. All money held in the treasury as a result of dues payments, contributions generally from elected officials, and recurring monthly donations shall constitute the general fund. Each year, no later than the May meeting, the Chair shall propose to the Executive Committee an annual budget for the party general fund. Such a budget shall designate a specified purpose and allocate a maximum expenditure therefor. The Executive Committee shall adopt the budget, subject to any amendment thereto. The approval of the Executive Committee shall be required to authorize all transfers between the SDCC and any other committee, general fund expenditures above $200, and all reimbursements.

No budget shall extend beyond the term of the committee. Whenever upon the absence of an annual budget, the previous year’s budget shall be continued until such time as a new budget is approved. In the absence of any adopted budget, or any previous year’s budget from the current term of the committee, the Chair shall authorize any expenditures from the general fund as would otherwise be permissible, and thereafter notify the Executive Committee at each meeting.

Section 5. Ward Executive Committees. Each ward shall also have an executive committee composed of its elected officers. The ward executive committees may, from time to time, meet to prepare for ward committee meetings, organize events, and generally work to advance the goals of the ward committee. The ward executive committees shall have no authority to act on behalf of the said ward unless granted such authority by the ward committee's adoption of such a bylaw.

Article VII: Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees. The Chair shall appoint the chairs and members of standing committees in consultation with the members of the Executive Committee. The following standing committees shall exist:

a. Bylaws, with jurisdiction to review proposed amendments to these bylaws, comprised of one representative from each of the ward committees, appointed by each ward’s chair.

b. Campaigns, with jurisdiction over national and city coordinated campaigns.

c. Debates, with jurisdiction over debates and forums sponsored by the SDCC.

d. Resolutions, with jurisdiction to review any proposed statement or resolution to be voted upon by the City Committee.

Section 2. Special Committees. The Chair may create, for a limited duration or purpose, special committees. The Chair shall appoint the committee chairs and members, and may dissolve said special committees at any time.

Section 3. Reports. Committees shall issue any report at least 3 days before any standing city committee meeting.

Section 4. Other Committees; Chair Ex-Officio Committee Membership. Such other committees, standing or special, may be established by the Chair of the City Party as they shall from time to time deem necessary. Their members shall be appointed by the Chair. The Chair or their designee shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Article VIII: Endorsements

Section 1. Jurisdiction of Endorsements. Only the ward committees shall make endorsements for Ward Councilor or School Committee member. Only the City Committee shall make endorsements for offices elected at a state primary or general election, or for the offices of Councilor At-Large or Mayor, or for any referenda. No committee shall make an endorsement in an election for Democratic State or Ward Committee member.

Section 2: Eligibility for Endorsement. Only an enrolled Democrat shall be eligible for endorsement.

Section 3. Threshold for Endorsement. An endorsement of a candidate or referendum shall require a 3/5ths supermajority vote of members voting, a majority quorum being present at a meeting or participating in an electronic ballot. Notice of at least 7 days must be given prior to any vote on endorsement being concluded, either at a meeting or by electronic ballot.

Section 4. Construction of Ballot. In races where only one candidate seeks the endorsement of the party, the ballot shall be designed as a motion in favor of endorsement of one particular candidate; candidates may never be considered en-bloc. All ballots in races with multiple candidates shall include an option for members to vote against all candidates in favor of making no endorsement. Each candidate shall be entitled to submit a statement not exceeding 100 words in favor of their candidacies; on endorsement votes of unopposed candidates or referendum questions, any SDCC member may submit a statement in favor or opposed, and the Chair shall select at least one statement to be included on the ballot.

Article X: Parliamentary Authority

In general, the regulations set forth in these bylaws are executed under the authority of Chapter 52 Section 10: Rules and Regulations of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Wards may adopt bylaws or other procedures which do not conflict with these bylaws; ward bylaws in effect before the adoption of these rules shall remain in effect until repealed. Ward bylaws shall take effect 5 business days after their submission to the City Executive Committee; the City Executive Committee shall have the power to ensure congruence of the city and ward bylaws. Any decision arising as to the interpretation of any provision of these bylaws or other procedure shall be decided by the Chair, whose decision can be appealed to the Committee on Bylaws who by majority vote can overturn the Chair’s decision. Said decision shall be binding upon the body unless overruled by a vote of two-thirds of the elected members present and voting.

The rules contained in the most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with Massachusetts General Law, the Massachusetts Democratic Party Charter and Bylaws, these bylaws, and any other rules of order the city committee may adopt.

Article XI: Amendment of Bylaws

Any 30 voting members, who represent at least 4 wards, may submit an amendment to these bylaws. The Chair of the City Committee may initiate a bylaws review. The Chair shall refer any proposed amendment to the Committee on Bylaws. The Committee on Bylaws shall report on the item within 30 days of its referral. If, by a majority vote, the Committee on Bylaws approves the amendment, it shall be reported to the City Committee, where it may be adopted by a 2/3rds vote in favor, a majority quorum being present at a meeting or participating in an electronic ballot. These bylaws shall remain in effect continuously unless amended or repealed; no motion shall be necessary at any meeting in order that they continue in force.