What does the Somerville Democratic Party do?

As party organizers at the most local level, we work to get Somerville Democrats local information about their government and representatives. By holding forums with candidates, making endorsements, organizing volunteers, and sending delegates to state conventions we work build a civilly engaged city, influence policy, and elect our candidates.

Who is the Somerville Democratic Party?

Each Somerville ward (neighborhood district) elects 35 people to represent them as their local Ward Democratic Committee on the presidential primary ballot—most recently on March 5, 2024: See results here. Each ward elects officers including a Ward Chair.

The city party committee is made up of the 7 Ward Committees collectively. In total there are 214 current Democratic City Committee members. City party members also elect city-wide officers, including the Somerville City Party Chair.

How can I get involved?


Provide local information about candidates, ballot questions, and encourage voting in Somerville elections


Grow our campaign team by recruiting volunteers to help elect Democrats around the country


Recruit Democrats to serve on their Ward Committees and serve as delegates to Mass Dems State Conventions